Postpartum medication (産後用藥 )
Postpartum Symptoms
産後諸症 (東醫寶鑑)
After giving birth, the mother should eat well because she needs to breastfeed.
Postpartum care usually lasts for 100 days. Sexual intercourse is prohibited during this period.
After childbirth, the body's qi and blood are greatly deficient, so it is important to control cold and heat.
The treatment method involves addressing stasis in the blood first and then restoring the qi and blood.
The initial medication used is Xionggui Tiaoxue Yin (芎歸調血飮).
If the blood is not completely removed after giving birth, shortness of breath may be experienced.
Signs of post-infectious diseases:
- pain in the abdomen when pressure is applied
- abdominal pain
- lasting abdominal distention
- lochia indicates improper removal of static blood (瘀血)
It is important to use Xionggui Tiaoxue Yin 芎歸調血飮 and then tonify the body.
Breastfeeding is the quickest way to reduce the belly size as it causes the uterus to contract and shrink rapidly.
It is expected to return to the pre-pregnancy state within 100 days. Failure to do so indicates a failure to recover. Breastfeeding is recommended for up to 10 months.
Postpartum fever is common after childbirth.
There are several types of postpartum fevers described in the book:
when there is heat effusion after childbirth, if the pulse is excessively high , Chai Hu Si Wu Tang 柴胡四物湯 is prescribed.
Since Chai Hu Si Wu Tang 柴胡四物湯 treats blood-related disorders, such as heat entering blood chamber.
If one feels unwell at night with a high pulse and experiences hallucinations, shortness of breath, and rising fever, Chai Hu Si Wu Tang is prescribed.
Li Pi Tang 理脾湯: treats damage to food after birth
The ingredients of Li Pi Tang include:
Hou Po 厚朴: 1.5 qian
Cang Zhu 蒼朮: Chen Pi 陳皮, Shen Qu 神麯, Mai Ya 麥芽, Shan Zha Rou 山査肉: 1 qian each
Gan Jiang 乾薑: 8 fen
Tao Ren桃仁: Gan Cao 甘草: 5 fen
For diarrhea: add Bai Zhu 白朮 and Chi Fu Ling 赤茯苓
for blocked defecation: add Tao Ren 桃仁, Hong Hua 紅花
for difficult urination : add Da Fu Pi 大腹皮, 車前子
If the abdmen comes out (is full):
If the intestines do not go in quickly even after removing the red blood cells, the liver oil is an alternative to the red blood cells, so it improves the rhythm of the intestines. In general, if you are going to have a stomach, it is better to do a stomach after entering the stomach.
If there is no stool after childbirth, the stool must be released first.
Even if it is a wind after birth, it should be focused on improving Qi and blood. Postpartum is when the Qi/blood is weak, so focus on tonifying.
You should never treat it only with wind-strike, and you shouldn't use medicine that makes one sweat a lot.
八物湯 with 羌活 and 防風 is used.
The representative formula for postpartum wind is 防風當歸散 and 血風湯
when there is numbness after childbirth, modified 補中益氣湯 (on skin part in 東醫寶鑑), which is added with (加 木香 烏藥 香附子 川芎 靑皮 防風 少加 桂枝. can also be used.
Headache after childbirth 産後頭痛, 四物湯 with 柴胡 is used.
Common cold after childbirth, 小柴胡湯 is used.
In case of swelling after childbirth, qi and blood should be supplemented greatly, 四君子湯 with 蒼朮 is used.
postpartrum vacuity-taxation (產後虛勞)
-十全大補湯에 加 續斷, 鱉甲 桑寄生, 桃仁 去 川芎
- 逍遙散,
- 加味逍遙散
- 歸脾湯 is also often used. 鹿茸 can be added to 歸脾湯.
※Differences between postpartrum vacuity-taxation (產後虛勞) and postpartrum wind (産後風)
when there is vacuity and taxation after birth, bones receives heat. The cheekbones are red and the limbs are sore.
In case of wind strike after childbirth, there is aversion to cold and wind, and the face is unclean.
The final medication to conclude postpartum treatment is 芎歸湯 and 補虛湯.
#. Shanghanlun leifang (The Classified Formula from Treatise on Cold Damage.傷寒論類方)
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