shang han lun qian zhu (傷寒論淺注) Simplified Commentary on Cold Damage
Simplified Commenrary on Cold Damage (1) is including only 120 lines( from line 1to line 120)
To understand shang han lun or this book, reading of 'Understanding of three yin and three yang (三陰三陽的理解)' on my blog may be helpful.
Line 5.
發熱而渴 不惡寒者 為溫病 若發汗已 身灼熱者 名風溫 風溫為病 脈陰陽俱浮 自汗出 身重 多眠睡 鼻息必鼾 語言難出 若被下者 小便不利 直視失溲 若被火者
微發黃色 劇則如驚癇 時瘈瘲 若火熏之 一逆尚引日 再逆促命期.
Greater yang disease with
heat effusion and thirst but without aversion to cold is termed warm disease.
After promotion of sweating, if there is generalized scorching heat, this is
called wind warm. When wind-warmth causes disease, this bears floating pulse at
the Yin and Yang [position], spontaneous sweating, generalized heaviness, a
tendency to sleep, the breath from the nose with a snoring sound, and difficult
speech. If precipitation is used, this will cause inhibited urination, forward
staring eyes, and fecal incontinence, if fire is used, there will be slight
yellowing, and in acute cases there will be fright epilepsy, periodic tugging
and slackening, and the skin will turn yellowish as if fumed by fire, one
instance of adverse treatment will lengthen the time of disease and further
adverse treatment will lead to the term of life.
且夫太陽病之即發者 有中風傷寒之異. 至於不即發者《內經》謂:「冬傷於寒
春必病溫.」為伏邪蘊釀成熱 邪自內出 其證脈浮頭項强痛 故亦謂之太陽病.
須於中風傷寒之外 區別為溫病. 治宜寒涼以解散 順其性以導之 如麻杏甘石湯之類 若無頭項强痛之太陽病
但見發熱而渴 不惡寒之證 是太陽底面少陰為病. 《內經》謂:「冬不藏精 春必病溫」是也. 如心中煩 不得臥者
黃連阿膠湯主之. 稍輕者 陽盛陰虛之人 周身之經絡 渾是熱氣布護 治法只宜求之太陽署之裏 陽明署之表. 如所云:「心中懊憹
舌上胎者 梔子豉湯主之.」「渴欲飲水 口乾舌燥者 白虎加人參湯主之.」「脈浮發熱
渴欲飲水 小便不利者 猪苓湯主之.」之類
用辛溫以發汗. 若醫者誤用辛溫之劑汗之 其內蘊之熱得辛溫而益盛 而且發汗已 身反灼熱者 是溫病為風藥所壞 遂變重證. 名曰風溫.
Wind strike and cold damage, both of
them belong to greater yang, occur immediately as soon as being contracted by
evil qi, but they also have a difference. In case of not occurring immediately,
Nei Jing says that if people are damaged by cold in winter, there will be warm
disease in spring. Latent evil brews and then generates heat, the evil
automatically comes out from the interior, the signs are floating pulse,
stiffness and pain of the head and nape, and hence this is also called greater
yang disease. Only when in the beginning there is heat effusion, thirst without
aversion to cold, this is distinguished from wind strike and cold damage. It
should be treated with cool acrid exterior resolution, according to the nature
of the disease it should be treated with medicinal as like Ma Xing Gan Shi Tang
family. In greater yang disease without stiffness and pain of the head and
nape, if there is heat effusion, thirst but no aversion to cold, this is lesser
yin disease which is the base of greater yang. In Nei Jing, this means that if
essence [qi] is not stored in winter, this will cause warm disease in spring.
Vexation in the heart with inability to sleep can be treated with Coptis and
Ass Hide Glue Decoction (huang lian e jiao tang). A pattern slighter than this
formula belongs to yang exuberance yin vacuity, Channels and network vessels of
whole body are surrounded with heat qi, treatment method should relieve the
interior of greater yang and the exterior of brightness yang. For example,
anguish in the heart and fur on the tongue should be treated with Gardenia and
Fermented Soybean Decoction (Zhi Zi Chi Tang), thirst with desire to drink
water, dry mouth, and dry tongue should be treated with White Tiger Decoction
Plus Ginseng (bai hu jia ren shen tang), floating pulse, heat effusion, thirst
with desire to drink water, and inhibited urination should be treated with
Polyporous Decoction (zhu ling tang). The promotion of sweating with acrid and
warm medicinal should be never used. If a practitioner promotes sweating with
acrid and warm medicinal erroneously, the heat congested in the interior will
be more exuberant. After sweating, the body is not cooled and quiet but has
scorching heat, this is because wind medicinal is used to warm disease and this
makes an unidentified disease which is finally transformed to a serious pattern
[illness]. This is called Wind Warmth.
What is wind warmth like? The pulse is
floating in both yin cubit and yang inch, there is spontaneous sweating. It looks
like greater yang wind strike, but chief manifestations are dangerous signs of
lesser yin. Kidney governs the bones, heat is in the bones, so there is
generalized heaviness. Heat enters yin-part, so there is clouded spirit and a
tendency to sleep. Snoring sounds with breath from the nose is because kidney
heat congests on the Lungs. The difficulty of speech is because kidney heat
congests on the Heart, kidney channel is linked to the heart and lungs.
Erroneous precipitation cause liquid and humor in lower to be drained, this
leads to inhibited urination, and again, if liquid and humor in upper is
drained, eye tie is tight and urgent, and there are forward staring eyes. After
liquid and humor already being exhausted, kidney qi is also drained and is
unable to retain greater yang qi, this cause fecal incontinence. It's
dangerous. Applying of fire moxibustion or hot needle means that heat pattern
is treated with heat method, this causes the decay of kidney [function] and
signs which are seen when the kidney is attacked. Slight yellowing in skin is
the color representing of earth restraining water. In acute cases heat gets
hyperactive and attacks the heart, this presents like fright epilepsy. Extreme
heat engenders wind and that causes periodic tugging and slackening. The skin
looks like not only slight yellowing but also black-tinged yellowing as if
burned by fire. Precipitations is one case of adverse treatment, applying of
fire treatment is second, one time of adverse treatment will lengthen the
duration of the disease and further adverse treatment will lead to shorten
one's life span
This states warm disease of the greater
yang disease, mistreatment [adverse treatment] can change it into Wind Warmth
1) when in the condition of kidney yin
vacuity, an exterior pattern occurs, this is warm disease.
Warm disease has signs such as
generalized heaviness and pain, aversion to heat, vexation and agitation,
thirst, and so on. Since there is heat in the skin, this is treated with herbs
such as shi gao (石膏)
and ge gen (葛根) which are sweet and cool in nature and
Sheng Di Huang (生地黃) which enriches yin.
Line 6.
發於陽也 無熱惡寒者 發於陰也 發於陽 七日愈 發於陰 六日愈. 以陽數七陰數六故也
An illness with heat
effusion and aversion to cold is spring from yang takes seven days to recover.
An illness with the absence of heat effusion and the presence of aversion to
cold is spring from yin and takes six days to recover. This is because seven is
yang number and six is yin number.
治太陽之病 即宜預顧少陰 二經標本寒熱不同 醫者必先了然於心 然後絲絲入扣.《內經》云:「太陽之上
以熱為標也. 又云:「少陰之上 君火主之.」以熱爲本 以寒為標也. 病有發熱惡寒者 發於太陽之標陽也. 無熱惡寒者 發於少陰之標陰也. 發於陽者七日愈 發於陰者六日愈 以陽數七 陰數六故也.
The base of the greater yang is lesser
yin. When treating greater yang disease, lesser yin should be considered in
advance. The root-tip and cold-heat of the two channels are not same. Only
after learning well this theory, practitioner can treat a patient logically, perfectly.
Nei jing says that above in greater
yang, the cold qi rules it. Greater yang takes cold as root and heat as tip.
And also says that above in lesser yin, sovereign [fire] rules it. Lesser yin
takes heat as root and cold as tip. When an illness is characterized by heat
effusion and aversion to cold, it is spring from tip-yang of greater yang. When
an illness is characterized by the absence of heat effusion and the presence of
aversion to cold, it is spring from tip-yin of lesser yin. In illness springing
from yin, the patient recovers in six days, this is because seven is yang
number and six is yin number.
This line states a general outline of
yin and yang, cold and heat, and tip and root, and also determination of the
recovery period according to the number of yin-yang. As for the difference of
hand foot tip root, hand greater yang takes heat as tip, and is to be a mutual
exterior-interior of the hand lesser yin. Heat effusion and aversion to cold
spring from the tip-yang of the hand greater yang. Foot greater yang takes cold
as root, and is to be a mutual exterior and interior with foot lesser yin. The
absence of heat effusion and the presence of aversion to cold spring from the
tip-yang of foot lesser yin.
1) the sign of heat effusion and
aversion to cold (發熱惡寒) springs from greater yang tip yang (太陽標陽),
whereas, the sign of the absence of heat effusion and the presence of aversion
to cold springs from lesser yin tip yin (少陰標陰).
Line 53.
不發汗 因致衄者 麻黃湯主之
If cold damage with pulse
that is floating and tight is not treated with promotion of sweating,
spontaneous external bleeding will occur, Ephedra Decoction (ma huang tang)
前言邪從衄解 一在八九日 三陽熱盛 服麻黃湯之後而解也. 一在太陽本經熱盛 亦有不服麻黃湯 可以自衄而解也.然二者皆於衄後而解 亦有衄後而不解者 不可不知.傷寒脈浮緊 不發汗 因致衄者 其衄點滴不成流 雖衄而表邪未解 仍以麻黃湯主之 俾元府通 衄乃止. 此一節又補言衄後邪不解之證也.然邪解而脈微 邪不解而脈浮 以此為辨.
In the preceding line, it is mentioned
that spontaneous external bleeding resolves evil, the one case is that on the
eight or nine days three yang (三陽, greater yang, yang brightness, lesser yang) were exuberant and
after taking of ma huang tang, the disease was resolved, and the other case is
that the heat of greater yang root channel was exuberant and after spontaneous
external bleeding, the disease was resolved without taking of Ephedra Decoction
(ma huang tang). Both of the two cases were resolved after spontaneous external
bleeding, and there is also the other case in which the disease is unresolved
after spontaneous external bleeding, one should know this another case.
When the treatment of promotion of
sweating is applied to cold damage with a floating and tight pulse and this
gives rise to spontaneous external bleeding,; the spontaneous external bleeding
is dripping down without running, in spite of spontaneous external bleeding,
the exterior evil does not resolve, hence, if Ephedra Decoction (ma huang tang)
is given to free sweat pores, spontaneous external bleeding will cease.
line describes the pattern in which, after spontaneous external bleeding, evil
has not resolved. Anyway when evil resolves, the pulse is faint, and when evil
is unresolved, the pulse is floating, we can identify a pattern from this.
Line 54.
頭痛有熱者 與承氣湯 其小便清者 知不在裏 仍在表也 當須發汗 若頭痛者必衄 宜桂枝湯
Cold damage with inability to defecate for six or seven days,
headache, and heat effusions should be treated with Qi-Coordinating Decoction
(cheng qi tang). If the urine is clear, we can know the disease is not in the
interior, but is still in the exterior, and this should be treated with the
promotion of sweating, and if there is still a headache, there will be
spontaneous external bleeding, Cinnamon Twig Decoction (gui zhi tang) is
以上兩言得衄而解 又言得衄而仍不解 大旨以汗之與血異名同類 不從汗解 必從血解
又當從汗而解之 言之詳矣. 然衄證又當以頭痛為提綱 以頭為諸陽之會
督脈與太陽同起於目內眥 邪熱盛則越於督脈而為衄也. 然頭痛病在上也 而察其病機 則在於下 一曰大便 一曰小便. 若傷寒不大便 六日為經之氣已周
七日又值太陽主氣之期 頭痛有熱者 熱盛於裏 而上乘於頭 與承氣湯 上承熱氣於下 以泄其裏熱.其頭痛有熱而小便清者
知熱不在裏 仍在表也 當須發汗 以麻黃湯泄其表熱.此一表一裏之證見俱見頭痛.若頭痛不已者
勢必逼血上行而為衄 此可於未衄之前 以頭痛而預定之也.然猶有言之未盡者
病在表者固宜麻黃湯 至於病在肌腠 其邪熱從肌腠而入經絡 頭痛亦必作衄 宜以桂枝湯 於未衄之前而解之.
此一節以「頭痛者必衄」五字為主 而言在裏在表在經之不同 欲學者一隅而三反也.
總而言之 桂枝與麻黃 功用甚廣 而桂枝湯更有泛應曲當之妙.
In the preceding lines, there is two
cases, the one case is that a disease is resolved through spontaneous external
bleeding, and the another case that a disease is not does not resolve after
spontaneous external bleeding, the preceding lines explained in detail that
sweat and blood are different in name and same in source, hence, if promotion
of sweating fails to resolve a disease, the disease is resolved through
spontaneous external bleeding, and whether spontaneous external bleeding has
already happened or not, it should be treated again with sweating.
The pattern of spontaneous external
bleeding is analyzed on the basis of headache, because the head is the
confluence of the yang channels. Governor vessel with greater yang originates
in inner canthus, excessive evil heat astrays to governor vessel causing
spontaneous external bleeding. The headache is in the upper, whereas the
phathomachanism is in the lower, the one is stool and the other is urine.
When inability to defecate has lasted
for six days during which the qi of six channels turns one time or seven days
when greater yang governs qi, there is headache and heat effusion, the heat
rises up to the head because heat is exuberant in the interior, give
Qi-Coordinating Decoction (cheng qi tang) to drain interior heat and downbear
heat qi in the upward. If the urine is clear, we know the disease is not
located in the interior, but is still in the exterior, and this should be
treated by the promotion of sweating with Ephedra Decoction (ma huang tang) to
discharge the exterior heat. The one is exterior pattern and the other is
interior pattern, headache is present in both cases.
If the headache is incessant, the force
of the heat distresses blood to rise up, resulting in spontaneous external
bleeding, this can be prognosised by headache before spontaneous external
bleeding appears. And there is something unwritten, a disease in the exterior
is appropriate to be treated with Ephedra Decoction (ma huang tang), but, as
here, in case a disease is in the interstices of the flesh, evil heat enters
the channels and network through the interstices of the flesh, necessarily
causing headache and spontaneous external bleeding, this should be resolved
with Cinnamon Twig Decoction (gui zhi tang) before spontaneous external
bleeding occurs.
This line considers the phrase “if there is still a
headache, there will be spontaneous external bleeding’
as a key point. And mentioned that the disease could be is in the interior,
exterior, or channel, and the results are different, one who is a learner has
to infer ten from one.
short, Cinnamon Twig (gui zhi) as well as ephedra (ma huang) can be used widely
and Cinnamon Twig Decoction (gui zhi tang) can be applied variously.
Line 55.
半日許復煩 脈浮數者 可更發汗 宜桂枝湯
Promotion of sweating has
already resolved cold damage, but, after half a day or so has passed, there is
again vexation and a pulse that is rapid and floating, one can again promote sweating,
Cinnamon Twig Decoction (gui zhi tang) is appropriate.
服後汗出身涼 為表邪已解. 至半日許復發熱而煩 是表邪解而肌邪未解也. 又診其脈不見桂枝之浮弱 仍見麻黃證之浮數者
知非麻黃證未罷 乃肌腠之邪不解
動君火之氣而為煩所致.麻黃湯不可治煩 可更易麻黃湯之竣
而用啜粥調和之法以發其汗 宜桂枝湯主之 解肌以止煩.
此一節總結十五節 病有在表在外之不同 湯有麻黃、桂枝之各異
In cold damage, Ephedra Decoction (ma
huang tang) is given to promote sweating, after taking of this, sweating with
generalized coldness indicates that exterior evil has already resolved. And
then half a day or so there is again heat effusion and vexation, this indicates
that although exterior evil resolved but evil in the flesh has not yet
And in the pulse, the floating and weak
pulse that is related with Cinnamon Twig (gui zhi) is not observed, but the
floating and rapid pulse of ephedra (ma huang) appears, one should know that
the pattern of ma huang tang is eliminated but the evil in the interstices of
the flesh is unresolved, stirring the qi of sovereign fire, resulting in
vexation. Ephedra Decoction (ma huang tang) is unable to treat vexation, this
should be treated with mild medicinal and the method of harmonization with thin
gruel, Cinnamon Twig Decoction (gui zhi tang) is appropriate to treat this
through resolving the flesh and allaying vexation.
line summarizes the 15 lines (38 to 55). The diseases in the exterior and in
the outward are different, ma huang tang and gui zhi tang are different with
each other, and the using of gui zhi is more wider than ma huang.
[柯韻伯云]桂枝湯本治煩 服後外熱不解
而內熱更甚 故曰反煩. 麻黃證本不煩 服湯 汗出 外熱初解 而內熱又發 故曰復煩 凡曰麻黃湯主之 桂枝湯主之者
定法也. 服桂枝湯不解 仍與桂枝湯;汗解後復發煩 更用桂枝湯 活法也. 服麻黃湯復煩
可更用桂枝;服桂枝湯復煩者 不得更用麻黃. 且麻黃脈證 但可用桂枝湯更汗 不可先用桂枝湯發汗 此又活法中定法矣.
Ke Yun Bo says that Cinnamon Twig
Decoction (gui zhi tang) originally treats vexation, but after taking of this,
exterior heat is unresolved and internal heat gets more severe, hence it is
said that “but
there is vexed.” The pattern of ephedra (ma huang) originally
does not have vexation, after taking of this, sweat issues and then the
exterior gets to resolve at first, but internal heat occurs, hence, it is said
that ‘there is vexation again.”
Generally, what is said that ‘Ephedra Decoction (ma
huang tang) governs’ and ‘Cinnamon
Twig Decoction (gui zhi tang) governs’, is a fixed
method (定法). Whereas, when, after taking of Cinnamon
Twig Decoction (gui zhi tang), a disease has not yet resolved, it is suggested
to give Cinnamon Twig Decoction (gui zhi tang) again, and when, after sweating
resolves a disease, vexation occurs, Cinnamon Twig Decoction (gui zhi tang) is
also suggested to be taken, those are an adapted method (活法).
taking of Ephedra Decoction (ma huang tang), if vexation occurs, Cinnamon Twig
(gui zhi) can be used again, but after taking of Cinnamon Twig Decoction (gui
zhi tang), if vexation occurs, ephedra (ma huang) cannot be used again. And in
case of the pattern of ephedra (ma huang), it is possible to promote sweating
further with Cinnamon Twig Decoction (gui zhi tang), but from beginning, it is
inappropriate to promote sweating with Cinnamon Twig Decoction (gui zhi tang).
This is an adapted method in the middle of a fixed method.
頭痛 脈反沉 若不差 身體疼痛 當救其裏 宜四逆湯
When an illness with heat
effusion, headache, and the pulse that is sunken, has not improved, and [after
the promotion of sweating], if there is no recovery and generalized pain still
has not ceased, it is appropriate to relieve the interior. Counterflow Cold
Decoction (si ni tang) should be used.
太陽病 發熱頭痛 痛在表則脈宜浮而反沉 此正氣內虛也. 若既汗之不差 其身體疼痛仍然不罷 須知其表熱為外發之假陽 脈沉為內伏之裏陰
當憑脈以救其裏 宜四逆湯.《內經》云:「太陽本寒而標熱.」此證見標證之發熱
不見本證之惡寒 以本寒之氣沉於內
外無惡寒 而內有真寒也.
此一節言病在表而得裏脈 又當救其裏 不必如上文之身疼痛而止救其表也. 太陽之氣外行於三陽而從表 內行於三陰而從裏.今表證而得裏脈 恐沉必兼微.
greater yang disease with heat effusion and headache, if the pain is in the
exterior, the pulse should be floating, but it is sunken. This means that the
right qi is vacuity in the interior. After the promotion of sweating, if there
is no recovery and generalized pain still has not ceased, one should know that
the exterior heat is false yang effusing outward and the pulse that is sunken
means the yin is hidden in the interior, so according to the pulse, one should
relieve the interior and Counterflow Cold Decoction (si ni tang) is
Jing says; “The root of greater yang is cold and
the tip of it is heat.”
this pattern, heat effusion which is the tip pattern of treater yang appears
and aversion to cold which is the root pattern of greater yang does not appear.
Because the root cold falls inward, so aversion to cold is absent and there is
true cold in the interior.
line says that even though the disease is in the exterior, if the pulse belongs
to the interior pattern, one should relieve the interior, and it is not
necessary to relieve generalized pain.
In three yang the qi of the greater yang
moves outward through the exterior and in three yin it moves inward through the
interior. Now there is exterior pattern with yin pulse, the pulse will be
sunken and faint.
Line 93.
先下而不愈 因復發汗 以此表裏俱虛 其人因致冒 冒家汗出自愈 所以然者 汗出表和故也 裏未和 然後復下之
When in greater yang
disease, initial precipitation fails to bring about recovery and sweating is
then promoted, and because of the two treatments there is dual exterior-interior
vacuity, the person will be encumbered by veiling dizziness. Veiling dizziness
patients will recover spontaneously after sweating. This is because sweating
harmonizes the exterior. The interior is not yet harmonized, so afterwards one
should precipitate.
今先下之 虛而不愈 因復發汗 以此汗下失度 致表裏俱虛 陰陽不相交接 其人因致首如有所覆戴之象而為冒
此陰虛於下而戴陽於上也. 冒家汗出自愈 所以然者 以陽加於陰 得陰氣以和之 汗出表和故也.蓋I表裏之氣本相通 表和裏亦和 不必復下.若審得裏未和 然後復下之.
case of greater yang disease, one should first promote sweating, but
precipitation is used first, which cause vacuity without recovery. And then the
promotion of sweating is used again. The two treatments make the exterior and
interior vacuous, and then which causes yin and yang not to connect with each
other, therefore, the person is encumbered by veiling dizziness as like the
head being covered with something. This is because yin vacuity in the lower and
yang upcast in the upper. Sweating brings spontaneous recover to the veiling
dizziness patients. Why this is so is that if yin is added to yang
harmonization occurs. The exterior and interior qi originally connect with each
other, so if the exterior becomes harmonized, the interior will be also
harmonized, therefore it is not necessary to use precipitation.
If the
interior has not yet harmonized, afterward, precipitation can be used.
This line corresponds to a case of first
promotion of sweating and then precipitation